LDA Sensory Bubble Timer Set - Pack of 4 Pack of four

LDA Sensory Bubble Timer Set - Pack of 4 Pack of four


Product code: E1840072


Set of colourful bubble timers, with internal hour glass containing tiny bubbles.

Turn upside down and watch the bubbles float to the top. Great sensory resource to help calming and concentration.

Dimensions:  L18.5, W14.5, H8cm.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Age Suitable from
3 Years



Set of colourful bubble timers, with internal hour glass containing tiny bubbles.

Turn upside down and watch the bubbles float to the top. Great sensory resource to help calming and concentration.

Dimensions:  L18.5, W14.5, H8cm.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Age Suitable from
3 Years


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