Learning Resources Boiling Point Thermometers Pack of ten

Learning Resources Boiling Point Thermometers Pack of ten


Product code: E1002855

These durable, non-toxic thermometers measure from -30°C to 120°C and from -22°F to 240°F. Safe to use, these thermometers are made from plastic and are mercury free. Can also be used to measure the boiling points of various liquids. Comes with a handy reusable storage box.

Further Information

Learning Resources
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Not Applicable
Measuring Accessories
Product Type
Measuring Accessories
Thermometer Type

These durable, non-toxic thermometers measure from -30°C to 120°C and from -22°F to 240°F. Safe to use, these thermometers are made from plastic and are mercury free. Can also be used to measure the boiling points of various liquids. Comes with a handy reusable storage box.

Further Information

Learning Resources
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2
Not Applicable
Measuring Accessories
Product Type
Measuring Accessories
Thermometer Type

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