Learning Resources Jumbo Test Tubes

Learning Resources Jumbo Test Tubes


Product code: E326553


Great way to introduce science and working scientifically to young pupils.

Chunky, durable test tubes put serious science safely within reach for young students. Plastic tubes are safe at temperatures from 10° - 200°F (-12° - 93°C) and feature calibration marks (25, 50, 75 and 100mL).

Test tubes feature different coloured lids. Sturdy rack and activity guide included. Tubes measure H150 x W30mm. Ideal for measuring water, rain in Key Stages 1 and 2.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Age Suitable from
3 Years
Beaker Capacity
Learning Resources
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2

Great way to introduce science and working scientifically to young pupils.

Chunky, durable test tubes put serious science safely within reach for young students. Plastic tubes are safe at temperatures from 10° - 200°F (-12° - 93°C) and feature calibration marks (25, 50, 75 and 100mL).

Test tubes feature different coloured lids. Sturdy rack and activity guide included. Tubes measure H150 x W30mm. Ideal for measuring water, rain in Key Stages 1 and 2.

Further Information

Age Recommended from
3 Years
Age Suitable from
3 Years
Beaker Capacity
Learning Resources
Key Stage
Key Stage 1
Key Stage 2

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